Finnegan & Diba, Law Corporation has announced an affiliation with the compassionate non-profit group known as Hearts With Ukraine. They are presently working to help those in need who are currently living in Ukraine while the Russian military onslaught is ongoing. Hearts with Ukraine has been created by Ukrainians living in the United States who strive to provide real-world assistance to those Ukrainians living in the Ukraine who either cannot leave or who are refusing to leave. Hearts with Ukraine is not affiliated with any other relief efforts, nor is it affiliated with any government organizations. Hearts with Ukraine does not provide any assistance for the military effort but is only providing life-saving supplies necessary for survival to families and those still inside the borders of Ukraine. Therefore, almost the entire amount of all donations received are going to provide supplies to those in need, and the supply lines are already established. I have personally donated to Hearts with Ukraine and I encourage all others to do the same. Please check out their website at and donate whatever you can. This is the most direct way to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to civilians suffering in Ukraine.
In addition, Finnegan & Diba has agreed to provide legal support to those who are searching for information about a pathway to the safe confines of another welcoming country. F&D focuses on immigration law providing avenues for legal entry into the United States. Finnegan & Diba wishes to assist as many Ukrainians as possible to safety and is therefore providing this information on our website at and feel free to call for updates and to register for frequent up to the minute updates on changes to the American immigration system for Ukrainians by registering on our contact email list.
Standing with Brave Ukrainians,
Reynold E Finnegan
Senior Immigration Attorney
Kasey Diba
Senior Litigation Counsel